Learn German

Learn German quickly and effectively with our successful tried and tested learning methods – in only 17 minutes per day

Our course is unique and different!

  • Learn a new language with just 17 minutes of study per day.
  • In a matter of only three months you will have learned a wide-ranging and useful number of words.
  • After just three months you will have gained a broad understanding of the language.
  • You will be able to build sentences and speak German.
  • Our language courses are equipped with 'super-learning technology'.
  • With the new super-learning technology you can concentrate better and learn on average 32% faster.
  • With this beginner's course you will have reached the A1 and A2 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
  • The program provides you with new and practical exercises every day to keep you motivated.
  • You learn quickly and efficiently.
  • This course does not have to be installed. It is very user friendly and .
  • This course offers a number of different learning methods, giving you the opportunity to choose what works best for you.
  • Fun and easy with manageable and attainable goals, the way learning a new language should be.
Our course is unique and different!
Learn a new language with just 17 minutes of study per day.
In a matter of only three months you will have learned a wide-ranging and useful number of words.
After just three months you will have gained a broad understanding of the language.
You will be able to build sentences and speak German.
Our language courses are equipped with 'super-learning technology'.
With the new super-learning technology you can concentrate better and learn on average 32% faster.
You learn quickly and efficiently.
The program provides you with new and practical exercises every day to keep you motivated.
With this beginner's course you will have reached the A1 and A2 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
This course does not have to be installed.
It is very user friendly and .
This course offers a number of different learning methods, giving you the opportunity to choose what works best for you.
Fun and easy with manageable and attainable goals, the way learning a new language should be.Our course is unique and different!
Learn a new language with just 17 minutes of study per day.
In a matter of only three months you will have learned a wide-ranging and useful number of words.
After just three months you will have gained a broad understanding of the language.
You will be able to build sentences and speak German.
Our language courses are equipped with 'super-learning technology'.
With the new super-learning technology you can concentrate better and learn on average 32% faster.
You learn quickly and efficiently.
The program provides you with new and practical exercises every day to keep you motivated.
With this beginner's course you will have reached the A1 and A2 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
This course does not have to be installed.
It is very user friendly and .
This course offers a number of different learning methods, giving you the opportunity to choose what works best for you.
Fun and easy with manageable and attainable goals, the way learning a new language should be.

The German Beginner's Course comprises:

At the end of the German Beginner's Course, you will have a basic vocabulary of over 1300 words.
You learn how to use these words in complete sentences with the help of the many dialogues, texts and phrases designed for this purpose.
All of the vocabulary and texts have been recorded by a German native speakers.
From the very beginning, you learn clear, accent free pronunciation with the correct emphasis.The German Beginner's Course comprises:
At the end of the German Beginner's Course, you will have a basic vocabulary of over 1300 words.
You learn how to use these words in complete sentences with the help of the many dialogues, texts and phrases designed for this purpose.
All of the vocabulary and texts have been recorded by a German native speakers.
From the very beginning, you learn clear, accent free pronunciation with the correct emphasis.

Unique learning methods from 17 Minute Languages: 

With 17 Minute Languages' unique long term memory learning method, you can learn German in no time. You will be amazed at how quickly you will be able to hold a fluent conversation. The daily exercises in this program are designed to motivate: You have access to a diverse selection of exercises every day. You will have plenty of support: Visit the 17 Minute Languages learning community for friendly advice and interaction. You will find an excellent forum related to your language course: You can receive and offer support to other learners and perhaps make new friends while your at it.

FAQ: Learn German

I am a total beginner.
Is this language course right for me?

Yes, even without previous learning experience you can learn this new language quickly and effectively.
The language course automatically tailors itself to your personal learning pace.

What progress will I make with this language course?

If you learn regularly, you will make progress very quickly.
Ideally, schedule a certain amount of time daily for learning, 17 minutes for example.
This is considerably more effective than simply learning 2 or 3 hours only once per week.

Can I improve my pronunciation with this language course?

You listen to every word and every line of text at your leisure and repeat them afterwards.
That way you can quickly learn clear and accurate pronunciation.

Which level of the European Common Reference Framework for Languages will I reach with 17 Minute Languages?

If you start to learn  German  with our German Beginner's Course, you will reach A1+A2 level of the European Common Reference Framework for Languages (CEFR/CEF/CEFRL): 
With this beginner's course, you will ready yourself for everyday communication and conversation. 
Through the acquisition of the beginner's vocabulary, you will have no problem understanding clearly structured sentences. You will be able to communicate orally and in writing with simple sentences. 
You want to deepen your knowledge of Intermedi ate German?
With the German Intermediate Course, you will reach B1+B2 level of the European Common Reference Framework for Languages: 
With the vocabulary of the German intermediate language course, you will be ready for challenging interaction in German.
After working with this course, you will be able to understand and use complex sentences. 
Thanks to the advanced language course you will be able to easily understand spoken and written German. 
As a result, you will possess a relatively high speech comprehension:
You will, for example, be able to watch television in German. 
With the German Proficiency Language Course, you will reach C1 + C2 level of the European Common Reference Framework for Languages: 
After you have worked with the German Proficiency Language Course, you will be able to effortlessly understand everything you read and hear. 
You will be able to summarize information from both written and oral sources.
You will be able to present statements and explanations comprehensively and coherently. 
You will be able to express yourself very fluently and precisely.
In addition, you will not only be able to understand finely nuanced meanings related to complex issues but also make them. 
With the German Business Course you will reach C1 + C2 level of the European Common Reference Framework for Languages: 
After you have worked with the German Business Course, you will be able to master any situation related to professional workaday life. 
Explanation of the European Common Reference Framework for Languages: 
Since 2001, there have been European wide standards that measure the levels of language courses. 
These standards were created by the Council of Europe so that the language reference levels for language courses can be transnationally cohesive. 
Our language course were developed in accordance with these standards.